BARETZ S.r.l., with registered office in Via Benjamin Franklin 31, Parma 43013-Italy, has Ownership of Personal Data Processing.


We collect personal data directly from Users and we processed them in compliance with the current legislation.

The collection and the elaboration of personal data aimed exclusively at fulfilling the obligations connected with the performance of the economic activity of our firm and in particular to:

1) communication, marketing and promotional activities;

2) human resources selection.

The processing of data aimed at the aforementioned activities will be carried out with mainly computerized and IT methods and will include all the mandatory operations as for the art. paragraph 1, of the Legislative Decree 196/03 and necessary for the treatment in question.

The processing of data takes place through the use of tools and procedures suitable to ensure security and confidentiality and can be carried out either by paper means, or through the use of IT equipment by specially appointed personnel.

The Personal data relating to the treatment in question can be communicated:

a) to the employees of the company, to allow the processing and storage of data as required by the safety standards of BARETZ S.r.l.

b) to collaborators, consultants or freelancers who work on behalf of BARETZ S.r.l

c) to companies in control relationship and/or connection with BARETZ S.r.l


d) to the authorities for the fulfillment of the law.


The collection of some personal data is also mandatory when having to comply with legal and tax obligations and the refusal to provide such data will make it impossible to establish relationships with our company.


Personal data and related processing will be communicated to companies and/or external consultants for the performance of economic activities (commercial, management, economic and financial information collection, management of information systems, insurance, banking or non-banking intermediation, factoring, management of dispatch, enveloping and sending correspondence, management and protection of credit) or for the fulfillment of the law (accounting firms, notaries, lawyers).

The person responsible for the data-processing and those individuals in charge of the data-processing and with administrative and accounting tasks may have access to the personal data in order to exercise their functions.


The User may exercise the rights the art.7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 referred to and in particular:

• the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him;

• the right to obtain an indication of the origin of personal data, of the purposes and methods of processing, of the logic applied in case of treatment with the aid of IT tools, of the identity of the owner, of the subjects to whom the data may be communicated;

• the right to obtain the updating, correction, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data;

• the right to oppose the processing of data for legitimate reasons;

• the right to oppose the processing carried out for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sales or for commercial communication.


This site uses cookies, information packages that are stored on the user's computer to facilitate navigation within the site and its proper use, to facilitate access to services that require authentication, for statistical purposes, to know which areas of the site have been visited.

For a correct and complete use of this site, we recommend that you configure your browser to accept cookies.

By navigating on our website, you consent to the use of cookies.

By default almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies, however visitors/users can still change the default settings.

It is always possible to refuse consent by deactivating the use of cookies in the browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Safari).

If users/visitors want to decide from time to time whether or not to accept cookies, they can also configure their browser to generate a warning each time a cookie is saved.

Through this site some services provided by third parties are made available to users, for example the connection to social media services.

In particular, the Site presents social plug-ins for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. These plug-ins do not set a cookie, but if it is already present on the visitor's computer they are able to read it and use it according to its settings.

The collection and use of information by these third parties are governed by the respective privacy policies to which reference is made.


The cookies used are either persistent (they remain stored until they expire, on the hard disk of the personal computer/mobile device of the user/visitor) or of session (they are not stored permanently on the user/visitor's computer and vanish with the closing of the browser).

Cookies are used in order to facilitate navigation within the site and its proper use, to facilitate access to services that require authentication (avoiding that users must re-enter the authentication credentials at each access to the services), for statistical purposes, to know which areas of the site have been visited, as well as in some cases, for optimal management of pages and advertising space or to provide content and advertising in line with the choices made by users.

Session cookies are used in order to transmit the session identifiers necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the site.

In addition, cookies may be site-specific (used, for example, to know the number of pages visited within the site) or be owned by third parties (generated by other sites to deliver content on the site you are visiting). This Website may use anonymous third-party cookies in order to manage the delivery of advertising messages in a dynamic and advanced way.

The most popular browsers provide the ability to block exclusively third-party cookies, accepting only those proper of the site.

In addition, some companies that generate cookies on third-party sites, offer the ability to disable and/or inhibit their cookies in a simple and immediate way, even when these are anonymous, or do not involve the registration of personal identification data (such as, example, the IP address).


This Website has pooled-analysis tools of data which serve to improve the navigation and usability of Website (Google Analytics).

These tools use cookies that are stored on the user's computer in order to allow the Site manager to analyze how users use the sites. The information generated by the cookies about the use of the Site by the users/visitors (including anonymized IP address by removing some figures) will be transmitted and stored on Google's servers.

The information serves to trace and analyze how the User navigates on the website, to fill out reports on the website’s activities and to provide other related services.

Users who do not want cookies related to Google Analytics can prevent their storage on their computer through the appropriate "Additional tool of the browser for the deactivation of Google Analytics" made available by Google at To activate the component, which inhibits the system for sending information about the user's visit, simply install it following the instructions on the screen, close and re-open the browser.



_ga: persistent - used to distinguish users - necessary for the third-party service Google Analytics. Duration: 2 years.

_gat: persistent - used to determine how the user is navigating in real time on pour site, - necessary for the third-party service Google Analytics. Duration: 2 hours.

__utma: persistent - user visit time - necessary for the third-party service Google Webmaster and Analytics. Duration: 2 years.

__utmb: persistent – bounce rate of the user - necessary for the third-party service Google Analytics. Duration 30 minutes.

__utmv - persistent - serves to monitor visitor behavior and measure site performance - necessary for third-party Google Analytics service. Duration: 2 years

__utmc - session - enable interoperability with the previous version of Google Analytics code known as Urchin.

__utmz - persistent – user origin - necessary for the third-party service Google Analytics. Duration: 6 months. We use the information obtained through limited monitoring to improve contents and navigation paths within the site. This information helps us to understand, for example, the number of pages viewed, the search engine of origin, the keyword used in the search.


YSC: session

VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE: persistent

PREF: persistent

GPS: persistent

GEUP: persistent

Providing personal data to BARETZ S.r.l. it is optional and the User can exercise his rights by communicating it in writing also by e-mail to the address: